Meine Frage lautet: Ist Fleisch, dass nicht nach der Shar'ia geschlachtet wurde (also Haram-Fleisch), auch unrein? Also wenn ich es anfasse, bin ich dann unrein (so wie beim anfassen von Schweinefleisch)? Weiß jemand eine Fatwa von Imam Khamenei dazu ?
Q: An animal was not slaughtered ritually or the slaughtering method is doubted, is the meat najis? If yes, is the rice under this meat [in a plate] also najis?
A: A non-ritually slaughtered meat is both ḥarām and najis and it makes najis anything that comes into contact with it accompanied by transmitting moisture. As for the doubted meat, although it is ḥarām, it is pure and does not make anything najis.