1) Is it allowed to shave the beard when it is not so strong, with the intention that it may grew stronger?
2) In Europe the most shops plays music through the loudspeaker, so that every customer hears it. Is it allowed to enter or buy from a shop wich is playing haraam-music?
3) Is it obligatory to boycott all american products and companys or only those who support the zionist regime?
4) Is it allowed to travel to USA? The question arises because every money spent their, would support the US-economy (e.g. by the paid tax)?
Salamun `alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. The answer is as follows:
Bismihi Ta`ala
1) By obligatory caution, doing so is impermissible.
2) Listening to lahwi music is haraam. Do not listen to it even in compulsory cases although it reaches your ears. Also, there is no problem in buying form them it is not considered as supporting their act.
3) It is haraam to buy or sell any product that is imported from the occupying state of Israel. The same rule applies to buying and selling products of Israeli companies or the companies that support the occupying state of Israel financially.