ich habe eine mail bekommen,welche ihr euch mal ansehen solltet:
Salaam Alaikum
Through this mail I would like to inform you of a chance that you will not often be offered. There is an organisation in Iraq that offers something to SHIA MUSLIM CONVERTS.. This organisation is affiliated with the cemetery of Al Abbas (AS) in Karbala, namely the Al Raudha Al Abbasi organisation under supervision of Sayed Seestani Hawza.
They want to offer the converts to "Shia Islam" a chance to visit the holy places in Iraq.The whole trip will be completely organised and funded by the Al Abbasi organisation. The participants only have to pay the plane ticket. The Abbasi organisation will pay for your lodgings, food and drink, transport in Iraq, security, translators (in English) and for visits to different Ayatullahs (eg Ayatullah Sistani).
It is only for Shia Muslim converts (male / female)and their partners.Participants are asked to state which time they prefer to travel. Either spring, summer or autumn. Then the Al Abbasi organisation will decide on the dates. There will be only 1 trip. This is a unique opportunity for a convert and this will only be organised once.
Brothers and sisters outside England may also join this unique opportunity. Respond quickly, the Al Abbas organisation needs to know as soon as possible how many people are interested.
FEE AMAAN ALLAH If brothers and sisters are interested or have any questions they can email me: imaan-1999@hotmail.com or contact someone from the organisation here in England: shia.eu @ hotmail.com
ZitatThe Abbasi organisation will pay for your lodgings, food and drink, transport in Iraq, security, translators (in English) and for visits to different Ayatullahs (eg Ayatullah Sistani).
Masha´allah, die haben ja scheinbar viel Geld, um mal eben das unter Konvertiten aus Europa zu werfen...und das bei der großen Not im eigenen Land! Ich bin fast vom Stuhl gefallen! Ich finde, sowas sollte man selber bezahlen. Warum sollen sich Reiche (auch ein Hartz IV-Empfänger ist aus der Perspektive eines Durchschnitts-Irakers reich!) aus dem Westen von armen Irakern finanzieren lassen? Woher kommt das ganze Geld überhaupt, etwa aus Spenden?